Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of M. tuberculosis and SARS-CoV-2 Infections-Unexpected Similarities of Pathogenesis and What to Expect from Co-Infection
Starshinova, AA, Kudryavtsev, I, Malkova, A, Zinchenko, U, Karev, V, Kudlay, D, Glushkova, A, Starshinova, AY, Dominguez, J, Villar-Hernandez, R, Dovgalyk, I and Yablonskiy, P
1 feb 2022
Tuberculosis is still an important medical and social problem. In recent years, great strides have been made in the fight against M. tuberculosis, especially in the Russian Federation. However, the emergence of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) has led to the long-term isolation of the population on the one hand and to the relevance of using personal protective equipment on the other. Our knowledge regarding SARS-CoV-2-induced inflammation and tissue destruction is rapidly expanding, while our understanding of the pathology of human pulmonary tuberculosis gained through more the 100 years of research is still limited. This paper reviews the main molecular and cellular differences and similarities caused by M. tuberculosis and SARS-CoV-2 infections, as well as their critical immunological and pathomorphological features. Immune suppression caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus may result in certain difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. Furthermore, long-term lymphopenia, hyperinflammation, lung tissue injury and imbalance in CD4+ T cell subsets associated with COVID-19 could propagate M. tuberculosis infection and disease progression.
Starshinova, AA:
Almazov Natl Med Res Ctr, St Petersburg 197341, Russia
Kudryavtsev, I:
Inst Expt Med, St Petersburg 197376, Russia
Malkova, A:
St Petersburg State Univ, Lab Mosa Autoimmun, St Petersburg 199034, Russia
Zinchenko, U:
St Petersburg Res Inst Phthisiopulmonol, St Petersburg 194064, Russia
Karev, V:
Almazov Natl Med Res Ctr, St Petersburg 197341, Russia
Childrens Clin Res Ctr Infect Dis, St Petersburg 197022, Russia
Kudlay, D:
IM Sechenov First Moscow State Med Univ, Inst Pharm, Dept Pharmacol, Moscow 119435, Russia
Inst Immunol, Moscow 115478, Russia
Glushkova, A:
M Bekhterev Natl Res Med Ctr Psychiat & Neurol, St Petersburg 192019, Russia
Starshinova, AY:
St Petersburg State Pediat Med Univ, Fac Med, St Petersburg 194100, Russia
Inst Invest Germans Trias & Pujol, Barcelona 08916, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Resp, Barcelona 08029, Spain
Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Genet & Microbiol, Barcelona 08193, Spain
Inst Invest Germans Trias & Pujol, Barcelona 08916, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Resp, Barcelona 08029, Spain
Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Genet & Microbiol, Barcelona 08193, Spain
Dovgalyk, I:
St Petersburg Res Inst Phthisiopulmonol, St Petersburg 194064, Russia
Yablonskiy, P:
St Petersburg State Univ, Lab Mosa Autoimmun, St Petersburg 199034, Russia
St Petersburg Res Inst Phthisiopulmonol, St Petersburg 194064, Russia
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