The contribution of HIV point-of-care tests in early HIV diagnosis: community-based HIV testing monitoring in Catalonia, 1995 to 2018
Fernandez-Lopez, L, Reyes-Uruena, J, Conway, A, Saz, J, Morales, A, Quezadas, J, Baroja, J, Rafel, A, Pazos, A, Avellaneda, A, Merono, M, Andreo, L, Romero, L, Lara, A, Oton, A, Rifa, B, Mansilla, R, Colom, J and Casabona, J
29 oct 2020
Background: Community-based HIV testing services combined with the use of point-of-care tests (POCT) have the potential to improve early diagnosis through increasing availability, accessibility and uptake of HIV testing. Aim: To describe community-based HIV testing activity in Catalonia, Spain, from 1995 to 2018, and to evaluate the impact of HIV POCT on the HIV continuum of care. Methods: A community-based network of voluntary counselling and testing services in Catalonia, Spain has been collecting systematic data on activity, process and results since 1995. A descriptive analysis was performed on pooled data, describing the data in terms of people tested and reactive screening test results. Results: Between 1995 and 2018, 125,876 HIV tests were performed (2.1% reactive). Since the introduction of HIV POCT in 2007, a large increase in the number of tests performed was observed, reaching 14,537 tests alone in 2018 (1.3% reactive). Men who have sex with men (MSM), as a proportion of all people tested, has increased greatly over time reaching 74.7% in 2018. The highest percentage of reactive tests was found in people who inject drugs followed by MSM. The contribution of community-based HIV testing to the overall total notified cases in the Catalonia HIV registry has gradually increased, reaching 37.9% in 2018, and 70% of all MSM cases. In 2018, the percentage of individuals with a reactive screening test who were linked to care was 89.0%. Conclusion: Our study reinforces the important role that community-based HIV POCT has on the diagnosis of HIV in key populations.
Ctr Epidemiol Studies Sexually Transmitted Infect, Catalan Hlth Dept, Barcelona, Spain
Ctr Invest Biomed Red Epidemiol & Salud Publ CIBE, Madrid, Spain
Ctr Epidemiol Studies Sexually Transmitted Infect, Catalan Hlth Dept, Barcelona, Spain
Ctr Invest Biomed Red Epidemiol & Salud Publ CIBE, Madrid, Spain
Ctr Epidemiol Studies Sexually Transmitted Infect, Catalan Hlth Dept, Barcelona, Spain
Inst Hlth Sci Res Germans Trias & Pujol IGTP, Badalona, Spain
Saz, J:
BCN Checkpoint, Barcelona, Spain
Morales, A:
STOP SIDA, Barcelona, Spain
Quezadas, J:
Assoc Ciutadana Antisida Catalunya ACASC, Barcelona, Spain
Baroja, J:
Ctr Jove Atencio Sexualitats CJAS, Barcelona, Spain
Rafel, A:
Assoc Antisida Lleida, Lleida, Spain
Pazos, A:
Gais Positius, Barcelona, Spain
Avellaneda, A:
Actuavalles, Sabadell, Spain
Merono, M:
Fundacio AMBIT Prevencio, Barcelona, Spain
Andreo, L:
CAS ARD Lluis Co, Creu Roja Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Romero, L:
AssexoraTgn Assoc Comunitaria Salut Sexual Camp T, Tarragona, Spain
Lara, A:
Assoc Comunitaria Anti Sida Girona ACAS, Girona, Spain
Oton, A:
Creu Roja Tarragona, Tarragona, Spain
Rifa, B:
Publ Hlth Agcy Catalonia, Sect Surveillance Prevent & Control Sexually Tran, Barcelona, Spain
Publ Hlth Agcy Catalonia, Programme Prevent Control & Treatment HIV STIs &, Barcelona, Spain
Mansilla, R:
Publ Hlth Agcy Catalonia, Sect Surveillance Prevent & Control Sexually Tran, Barcelona, Spain
Publ Hlth Agcy Catalonia, Programme Prevent Control & Treatment HIV STIs &, Barcelona, Spain
Colom, J:
Publ Hlth Agcy Catalonia, Programme Prevent Control & Treatment HIV STIs &, Barcelona, Spain
Ctr Epidemiol Studies Sexually Transmitted Infect, Catalan Hlth Dept, Barcelona, Spain
Ctr Invest Biomed Red Epidemiol & Salud Publ CIBE, Madrid, Spain
Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Paediat Obstet & Gynaecol & Prevent Med, Bellaterra, Spain
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